The Ask
The other day while in a telephone conversation about DelgraciaCorp I was asked, “What is your ask?” After giving it a second thought my passion took over and I lost focus at answering question.
After hanging up and processing the question and answer I began to make a list of the ask. But, as I reflected on the question, the “ask” was what is the purpose of DelgraciaCorp? It's not about needing “things, but it's purpose because all else will follow, socio-economic opportunities, donations, etc.
My answer is the vision of DelgraciaCorp, which is creating an interdependent community that is self-contained, sustainable and its participants share a mutual responsibility at meeting the needs of each person by sharing and exchanging knowledge and resources.
As one of the chosen leaders of DelgraciaCorp my “ask” raises individual consciousness about “what it is to be human?” The raising of consciousness breaks down barriers and creates socio-economic opportunities to empower and safeguard individuals and families’ socioemotional needs especially young adults with child(ren) aging out of foster care that are victims of systems that fail to protect and provide preventive services.
DelgraciaCorp’s goals are using socioeconomic opportunities that provides access to effective supportive services (medical, mental and behavioral health, education, vocational) that develop self-sufficiency, independence, and most importantly community empowerment to prevent the recycling of foster care placement. Whereas, donations create socioeconomic opportunities leading to community interdependence that minimizes risks, foster care placement, child maltreatment and neglect, hunger, homelessness, etc.
I believe this is the best answer, yet…
Katherine Cherry
DelgraciaCorp Founder and Executive Director