Inside a mother’s womb “Life” is created in darkness. The formation is simple, in/externally, equal in nature and development. The ONLY...
“The Frozen Psychological Independent State Theory”
Ms. X self-referred for DelgraciaCorp preventive services because she grew up in foster care, parent in foster care, and aged out of...
The Diary of a Young Mother 3
Dear Diary, Today, another boring day eating ice cream and watching “L” run wild in this small apartment. All-day long and everyday case...
It's A Movie!
“Everything...moving like in a slow-motion film. Shit that stank, stank more. Anything sweet seemed even sweeter” (Sister Soulja, p. 19)....
Memories of What Was and Dreams of What Are
Memories create dreams that are foreseeable and energetic. The energy is the reality of something that is better than what was yesterday,...
The Dairies of Being a Young Mother 2
Moving into your own apartment is the best part of life. I am very happy about moving into my first apartment with my daughter. I fought...
“He who has a why to live for can bear with almost any how (Frankl, 2006).” As I reflect on 2019 challenges and achievements thus far,...
The Diaries of Being a Young Mother
I Had To Learn Being In The System Is Challenging But It Can Also Strengthen You. It Was Easy For Me To Blame Everybody For What I Was...
“Foster Care Graduates”
“Graduation” is a positive usage of the American language that is equated with achievement. The Webster dictionary definition, “the award...
“The Call for Action Continues”
The plight of young adults aging out of foster care with their children continues apologetically for the sins of society. The...
“The Cocktail”
Dress in a denim dress with a fresh pair of black and white Jordans, hair braided with jewels to match and in my hand is my invitation to...